May 2022 News

May 2022 Newsletter

Dreisbach Church Members,


It is with sadness that consistory has received and accepted Pastor Druckenmiller's letter of resignation effective immediately.

Below you will find a copy of the letter.

Bear with us as we move forward through this challenging time of transition.


The elders in conjunction with consistory will be working on lining up pastors for the coming weeks.  For pastoral care reach out to our elders Sharon Magyar (570-412-6310), Dave Beckley (570-524-0705) and Tammy Pierce (570-412-7289).


Please pray for our church members, consistory and the Druckenmiller family as we move through this process. We would encourage you to reach out with a card or note to wish Pastor Nate well in the future.


Dreisbach UCC Consistory

Sharon Magyar, President

April 22, 2022

Dreisbach Chruch Family:

It is with a deep sorrow that I offer my resignation as pastor of Dreisbach UCC at this time. It has been agreed that a change of partnership needs to occur and an end to our covenantal agreement as pastor and congregation is what is best. In order to do what I believe is best for the church; I feel that I must step aside right a way in order for the church to move forward with the least amount of continued struggle. With this decision plans can be made for what is next for the church now and healing can begin for all involved.   

I am grateful for the leaderships’ gracious generosity in agreeing to continue my financial agreements for the next 60 days, as well as, the sabbatical time that was planned for this summer, and any vacation time accumulated this year as part of this agreement of separation. It is my hope to gather my office materials and pass on all items of knowledge and information by the end of May.

I thank you for the years of ministry that have occurred and wish you well as a congregation and as families and individuals of the Body of Christ. I ask for your forgiveness for my mistakes, pain, and struggle that I have caused in any way and give thanks for the relationships and work accomplished. I shall pray for you and your future that is yet to be written and I ask for your prayers as my family does the same. I give thanks that my last Sunday with you was Easter Sunday, a celebration of new life, new opportunities, and new hope.


Pastor Nathan J. Druckenmiller

Worship Schedule this month:


May 1st – (ToW: The Way Forward) Pastor Betty Schaffner - Acts 9: 1-6 (7-20); Revelation 5:   11-14; John 21: 1-19. First Sunday Fellowship

May 8th - (ToW: Life-giving Acts) Rev. John Yost, Mother’s Day - Acts 9:36-43; Revelation 7:9-           17; John 10:22-30.

May 15th – (ToW: Imagine) Rev. John Yost - Acts 11:1-18; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35

May 22nd – (ToW: Disciples Together) Pastor Bonni Lucas - Acts 16:9-15; Revelation 21:10, 22-        22:5; John 14:23-29

May 29th - (ToW: Breaking Chains) Rev. Mike Price - Acts 16:16-34; Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17,        20-21; John 17:20-26

Looking Ahead:


June 5th – (ToW: Gathered and Scattered) Rev. John Yost – Acts 2:1-21; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-17. Strengthen the Church offering

June 6th–10th VBS – Food Truck Party



Highlights April 21,2022 Consistory Meeting

·       Tony Noll will be in charge of Spring Landscape Clean-up, May 7 from 12-12.  If you would like to help, please show up and he will put you to work.

·       The Flat Roof Project has been completed.  There was some additional damage discovered when working so that was addressed as well.  We still need donations to cover the cost of this project.  The vestibule painting will be completed in the future.

·       The First Aid Kits are being replaced with new ones.  One will be mounted by the AED kit in the back of the church in the overflow room near the bookcase.  The other one will be mounted in the kitchen downstairs.

·       We continue to work on the struggle with the internet connection and speed to upload Facebook Live.

·       A donation of $75.00 was voted on and will be donated to the Mifflinburg Hose Company.

·       On Saturday, August 27, 2022 the gravel parking lot will be used as overflow parking for a wedding being held on Dreisbach Church Road, bearing nothing unforeseen should arise at the church.



2022 Graduates

Graduation season is quickly approaching.  If you or a member of your family will be graduating this year please let us know. We would love to celebrate this milestone with them. Please text, call or e-mail Pam Pfirman (570-898-9774, Thank You


Upcoming Meetings


·       The next meeting of the Prayer Shawl group is Thursday, May 12, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.

·       The next Prime Timers luncheon is scheduled for May 26th. 12:30 p.m. at OIP Mifflinburg.


·       The Investment Committee is scheduled to meet on May 10th at 10:00 a.m.


Highway Clean-up Wrap-up

Thanks to all who participated in the Spring Highway Cleanup this Earth Day weekend!
I admit I was a little on edge about having enough helpers to do the task but a late Saturday email and a Sunday text put us well over the minimum needed.  As a group we filled 9 garbage bags with litter on our less than 3 mile stretch of Dreisbach Rd.  My thanks to Bev Chamra, Bonnie Dodge, Charles Mensch, Scott Eberhart, Nolls (Melinda, Mason and Tony), Robert Pierce, Rich Schenck, Phil Wagner, and my wife for their time and effort for what all of us believe is a good cause.
Appreciatively, Don Bowman


Welcome Bags

Bonnie Dodge has assembled small welcome bags to distribute to visitors at Dreisbach. If you see someone new on Sunday morning please greet them and offer these small gifts. The bags can be found in the closet of the church office.  Thanks to Bonnie for this thoughtful idea!


Flat Roof Project

Repairs to the flat roof have been completed but we are still looking for additional donations to cover the costs. The funds currently raised for these repairs are at $22,980.  Your generosity in covering this project would be greatly appreciated.


Food Truck Party!!

Warmer temperatures are on the way and so is Vacation Bible School!  Dreisbach will be hosting a “Food Truck Party”. The kids will be “On A Roll With God” June 6th – 10th.  Registration Forms are available at the back of the sanctuary. Contact Judy Willow for questions or to help.



Pamela Pfirman