April 2022 News

April 2022 Newsletter

Pastor’s Message


“The explosive force of the resurrection of the Lord is too vast to be contained within a celebration of one day…. The first day of the season, Easter Day, is the opening of a protracted celebration, even as the Resurrection is itself the opening to a vast new reality.” ~Laurence Hull Stockey


            We are approaching the season of Easter Joy this month, as we also experience new life in the coming spring. Both occasions are filled with opportunities to see the Good News and colorful palette that fills our surroundings, hearts, and minds. As we approach Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday we are excited to schedule a brunch and a breakfast fellowship opportunity for friends and family. We have not had our typical Lenten Breakfast and Speaker opportunities that have been a long running staple of Lent for Dreisbach. So let these 2 opportunities be our attempt to reignite this ministry among us. These two opportunities will be fellowship focused, meaning no speakers for them, but we hope to return to welcoming diverse message bearers among us once more as we enter into Lenten 2023.


            On Easter Sunday, during the hour of what was the Sunrise Service there will be an opportunity to share in a worship experience called “Easter Sunday Sunrise Prayer Stations”. This will be an interactive and individual experience for reflection, prayer, and study for those who are present. There will be a number of options in how you can experience this time. There will be a guided devotional that guides readers through the different Holy Week events through a booklet with scripture readings, visual stations, and reflection questions that worshippers can think about, pray about, or meditate about. The scriptural guide takes you through a number of different texts and events that each person is able to share in at their own pace. Another way to experience the offered prayer stations is for a participant to experience them as they feel led. There will be instrumental music played during this time that sets the mood and mindset for those who are there. There will be many stations that welcome folks to pray in different ways using different senses and gifts. One other way that you may experience this time is by simply being present in the sanctuary during this time. I have offered these prayer stations in a number of other settings from the last church I served to youth camps and retreats; all who have been a part of them have found value and meaning in what they took part in. All ages are welcome to join us.   


            The Dutch Bulbs fundraiser orders for the Mission Trip this summer will end on Easter Sunday (April 17th). At that time the orders and money are due. They will be collected and sent in so that the bulbs will arrive in early May. This is a great product and we receive 50% of the sale as profit. Please help our group of over 20 folks get to the Kentucky/Tennessee area to offer our gifts and time to help those in need. Any financial contributions for the trip are greatly appreciated too. We want to thank those who have already given generously to this work. Thank you again.




 Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate



Worship Schedule this month:


April 3rd - (Theme of Week: Something New) Isaiah 43: 16-21; Psalms 126; Philippians 3: 4b-14; John 12: 1-8.

First Sunday Fellowship.

April 10th - (Tow: Into Jerusalem) Palm Sunday, Psalms 118: 1-2, 19-29; Luke 19: 28-40.  Brunch following


Thursday, April 14th – Maundy Thursday Service, 7pm in Fellowship Hall. Exodus 12: 1-14; 1st Corinthians 11:

23-26; John 13: 1-17, 31b-35.

Friday, April 15th Good Friday Service, 7pm in Sanctuary. Isaiah 52: 13 – 53: 12; Hebrews 10: 16-25; John

18:1 – 19:42.

EASTER MORNING April 17th – @7AM Easter Sunrise Prayer Stations. *See Pastor’s Message for more info.    

Easter Breakfast @ 8:15 AM in Fellowship Hall. April 17th Cont’d – Easter Sunday (ToW: Resurrection Joy) @9:15 AM, Acts 10: 34-43; 1st Corinthians 15: 19-26; John 20: 1-18.

April 24th – (ToW: Resurrection Witness) Acts 5: 27-32; Revelation 1: 4-8; John 20: 19-31.


Look Further Ahead

May 1st – (ToW: The Way Forward) Acts 9: 1-6 (7-20); Revelation 5: 11-14; John 21: 1-19. First Sunday


May 8th - (ToW: Life-giving Acts) Mother’s Day. Acts 9:36-43; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30.



Highlights from the March Consistory Meeting were as follows:

·       The Church Retreat was attended by 29 people.  Members attending have requested that we have more social activities to attend.  An announcement will be put on the bulletin asking for volunteers and a chair for an Events Committee.

·       The Safety and Security Committee met and are evaluating what measures are important for the church.  Our current policy is outdated and needs to be revised.  They will work on revisions and recommendations to the Consistory for us to vote on.  The Consistory voted that the current policy be suspended.  Robert Pierce submitted preliminary information to the State of PA for a Security Grant.

·       Spring is almost here, please stay tuned for a date from Tony Noll to clean up our landscaping outside the church. 

·       First Aid and AED kits are being updated.

·       Pastor Nate has been experiencing issues with his computer and church email, please be patient as he addresses this problem.

·       As we approach Holy Week and the month of April please check the calendar for the schedule of services and activities to attend.

·       May everyone be blessed by the work God is doing at Dreisbach and beyond.


Landscaping Clean Up

A proposed work day at the church to clean up garden beds, plant, mulch, etc. has been set for May 7th. We will coordinate with the Rummage Sale wrap up and announce a time closer to the date. In the event of bad weather the rain date is May 21st.  

“Adopt a Highway”

On Sunday April 24, following the worship service, Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Spring "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road.  Don Bowman will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc.  Your help is needed. Please contact Don Bowman at 570-966-0785 or donbowman@windstream.net if you can help to keep our valley beautiful.

All options are set up so that you walk and pick up litter against traffic from where you start, to your destination and then walk and pick up litter against traffic back to where you started.  A signup sheet will be in the back of the church.




·       The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Thursday, April 7 at 6:30 p.m. at the church. All are welcome.

·       The next Prime Timers luncheon is scheduled for April 28th. 12:30 p.m. at OIP Mifflinburg.


Rummage Sale

The Rummage Sale is coming soon! Please mark your calendars for the week of May 1-7 and consider helping make this sale another success. Donate your no longer needed but in good condition items to sell. (Unfortunately, we can no longer accept TVs or computer monitors.) Bake some goodies for the bake sale to support this summer’s mission trip. Make some food to feed our hungry workers. Volunteer to be a worker or just show up when you have some time to give. Set up begins Sunday morning when we transform the downstairs from a Sunday School area to sale space. Sorting and setting out goods continues from Sunday afternoon through Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are the sale and we need checkers, baggers, and go-fers during that time. Saturday at noon clean-up begins and the more hands the better. We can’t do it without your help.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer talk to Judy Willow, Holly Snyder, or Diane Hackenberg. We hope to see you there!



Women’s Bible Study

Bonnie Dodge and Tammy Pierce will be leading a Women's Bible Study on Wednesday evenings @ 6:30pm, starting April 20th and continuing for a 6 week period.  If you are interested in participating, please sign up on the sheet at the back of the church.  If you have any questions please see Bonnie or Tammy. 

Thank You


·       Thank you for all of the cards and gifts for our growing family of 4!  The Sones


·       Many thanks to all of you who sent cards, made phone calls and for the delicious meals made by some of the best cooks in union county during my recovery period.  Terry and I really appreciate our friends at Dreisbach.  See you soon !!!!   Judy





Food Truck Party!!

Warmer temperatures are on the way and so is Vacation Bible School!  Dreisbach will be hosting a “Food Truck Party”. The kids will be “On A Roll With God” June 6th – 10th.  Registration Forms are available at the back of the sanctuary. Contact Kara Druckenmiller, Barb Huggins or Judy Willow for questions or to help.

Pamela Pfirman