January 2022 News

January 2022

Pastor’s Message


“Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart”


I hope your Christmas season and New Years festivities were meaningful, joyous, and health filled. We are still in the midst of strange and adaptive times, but there are minor victories and blessings to be grateful for and give thanks for. I was able to gather with small groups of family members safely and these were meaningful and wonderful times. The person to person contact is something that many still have not fully returned to yet, but that day is coming. Until then let us continue to pray for our medical professionals who are continuing to work long hours and impossible situations for the good of individuals and our communities as a whole. Many folks in all kinds of professions are finding themselves stretched and tired. Please be sure to take breaks, find rest, and support one another in important ways; both in big and small ways. We never know when our act and gesture towards another will make all the difference.


It has been the hope of a number of folks at Dreisbach that we attempt to put together a mission/work camp trip that is sponsored by the church that sets out to spend a week helping neighbors who find themselves in need in a community beyond us. There are many places in the country that are picking up from natural disasters or economic or employment situations that are not going well. We are attempting to partner with a mission-based setting in Henderson, TN to do some needed work for families in that area. This location is in the area of the Appalachian region of the US, this region has long been an area where many folks are in need of a little bit of help in order to get by. We were eyeing this location as a spot to partner with and then the tornados that hit parts of Kentucky and surrounding areas occurred in early December and we now know that Henderson is about 5 miles from where one of those tornados hit. So, if you would like to join us as we plan, schedule, and carry out this trip please let Pastor Nate or the office know as we are forming the group that will go and do what we can for others in difficult times. The plan is to schedule to spend a week at the location, doing jobs that are matching to our gifts and skills.

We would leave on a Saturday and arrive Sunday evening at the location. Work Monday thru Friday and pack up and leave on Saturday to return home. There are costs involved with the group that we would try to raise money to cover and look for donations to help with. But, this is one of the most meaningful and rewarding experiences that I have ever had. Please seriously think about joining us, or if you are unable to go yourself, please help us make it financially possible for us to go and represent Dreisbach. And, we also covet your prayers as we prepare to go, set out, and return from this important work.

            January 2022 has a 5th Sunday of the month. We were trying to tackle topics of interest for conversation on those Sundays during the Sunday School time. I want to invite you to a conversational event entitled Church Connections then, now, & next. The world is changing quickly, the church is changing or has to change too; in order to remain relevant and an important part of our communities and the lives of the people that make up our communities. It is my hope to lead a conversation about Dreisbach in the midst of times gone by (ie historic connections to the area, the UCC and its predecessors, and important events prior), in the midst of current times (points of ministry, service, and sharing), and where we hope to go and be in the coming years in order to remain a vibrant and transformational body of faith. Please join us for this informal time of listening, learning, sharing, and growing together. 


 Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate



Worship Schedule this month:

January 2nd -(Theme of Week Another Road) 2nd Sunday of Christmas, Jeremiah 31: 7-14; Ephesians 1: 3-14; John 1: 1-18. Happy New Years & First Sunday Fellowship

January 9th – (ToW: Affirmed by Love) The Baptism of Christ Sunday, Isaiah 43: 1-7; Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22.

January 16th - (ToW: Extravagant Sign) Isaiah 62: 1-5; 1st Corinthians 12: 1-11; John 2: 1-11. Installation of 2022 Consistory & Congregation Meeting for End of year financial report and look into 2022 spending plan

January 23rd - (ToW: Good News, Good Ways) Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; 1st Corinthians 12: 12-31a; Luke 4: 14-21. Celebrate the baptism of Quinn Swartzlander in worship.

January 30th - (ToW: Prophet on the Edge) Jeremiah 1: 4-10; 1st Corinthians 13: 1-13; Luke 4: 21-30. 5th Sunday Conversation entitled: Church Connections then, now, & next.


Look Further Ahead

February 6th - (ToW: A Surprising Catch) Isaiah 6: 1-13; 1st Corinthians 15: 1-11; Luke 5: 1-11. First Sunday Fellowship.

February 13th - (ToW: ) Jeremiah 17: 5-10; 1st Corinthians 15: 12-30; Luke 6: 17-26.  Souper Bowl of Caring Sunday



Flat Roof Project

Thank You!

A big Thank You goes out to those who contributed to the Flat Roof Project.

The project has been delayed by T Ross Bros. due to lack of materials. They are having trouble getting the elevation material that will add a four inch slope to the roof from the back to the front so that there cannot be standing water in areas of the roof as is now the case.

Again thank you to the members of the congregation for your generosity and ongoing support of Dreisbach.


Upcoming Meetings


Our next Prime-timers luncheon will be on January 27th at 12:30 pm at OIP in Mifflinburg.


The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Thursday, January 13, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.



Thank you to the members of the congregation, who donated such lovely gifts to the residents of Devitt House. Your kindness and generosity were appreciated and helped make their Christmas a celebration.

            Carol and Larry Snook


Thank you to the talented Dreisbach “Bakers” who created and donated such a beautiful array of cookies for the Veterans Memorial Wreath Ceremony on December 18th. Your efforts were appreciated and enjoyed by all.

            Thank you, Carol Snook


Prayer List

In an effort to keep the prayer list current, Dreisbach will clear the current list on a quarterly basis. A new list will begin in January, April, July & October. If you want to continue an existing prayer re-quest or have a new prayer concern, please contact Pam (pam_adminsec@dreisbachucc.org, 570-898-9774).

Bad Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather and we need to cancel services, please check the website and Facebook page.  WGRC no longer announces these cancellations on air so we ask those with internet capabilities to please notify any family members without internet access.



(An Uplifting & Spiritually Fulfilling Weekend)

Friday March 4, 6:30 PM - Sunday March 6, noon

Crystal Springs Retreat Center

North of Mifflinburg


The weekend includes sessions with our speaker Rev. Tim Hogan-Palazzo, 5 meals, kids’ program, singing, games and lots of fun!


Please fill out the registration forms located in the back of the sanctuary and return it along with your payment to Scott Sanders 221 Pine St. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 or see him during worship no later than February 16.  Checks should be made payable to Dreisbach UCC.


Consistory Installation & Congregational Meeting

On January 16th we will install our newly elected consistory during the worship service. Thank you to Chad Willow (trustee), Jerry Amabile (deacon), Tammy Pierce (elder) and all of our consistory members who serve in this vital role in the church. Following the service there will be a congregational meeting to discuss the 2022 budget.


Volunteer Sign-Ups

Sign-up sheets are available at the back of the sanctuary for greeters, bell-ringers or to staff the nursery.  We are so thankful to all who serve in these ways!


Newsletter Delivery Changes

With rising postal costs we are looking to survey everyone who receives our newsletter. We recognize that many of you use our Facebook and website to view our newsletter and believe that the church can save some costs if we change the way we deliver the newsletter to you.  Please respond to the quick survey included with the stamped envelope.

We are happy to continue mailing a newsletter to anyone who wishes to receive it. We have three options for receiving it:

            A paper copy mailed to you.

            A paper copy available to pick-up at the church.

            View it on our website/Facebook.

Your response is greatly appreciated in determining how we will go forward.  Thank You

Pamela Pfirman