December 2021 News

December 2021 Newsletter


Pastor’s Message


“Author Glennon Doyle wrote, “Every time we open our mouths and speak, we are either saying let there be light or let there be darkness.”     ― Max Lucado


            The quote above comes from 2 modern writers who are still with us in this 21st Century time shares an important reality about our testimony. Max Lucado is a favorite religious and spiritual writer of many folks and Glennon Doyle is a loved Christian blogger and writer who has a unique testimony of life and faith. Advent is a season of waiting and anticipating what is to come. And, this quote about light and darkness reminds us what we are putting out into the world as we wait and anticipate our future journey. Do your words, your actions, your thoughts, your hopes and dreams add light to what and who is around you? Or Are you adding to the darkness and despair of the settings and lives around you? Advent is a time for us to prepare for Christ coming again; coming into our hearts and our lives to brighten and warm our connections and relationships with all that we are and where we are heading. May we all prepare for Christ’s coming by seriously discerning and refocusing how we shine the light upon our path and spread the Gospel story to the places and people who need to hear it again.


            The generosity of Dreisbach continues to come in during this time in ways great and small. Sharing gifts with Devitt House and Bethany Children’s Home, food items with our local area, the disbursement of funds from the Mission Committee and CARE Fund have been shared in this time. We are grateful for the continued support of the work and ministries of Dreisbach. As the calendar year comes to a close there may be folks among us who have resources that they have to disperse or there may be some extra blessings that you may have received that you would like to share with others. Dreisbach always is able to take your generosity for the yearly operating funds of the church where we try to cover the day to day needs of the church. Also, we have funds such as the endowment Fund for times of need and the CARE fund that shares a percentage of the fund with needs beyond the church in the areas of physical needs near and far from us in ways great and small for our neighbors. And there is also the need of the roof fund that became an unexpected need towards the end of this year. Any of these opportunities would be an important and faithful way for you to share your blessings in ways of building up the Kingdom of God’s desire for us all.

            I hope you all are able to have a blessed and meaningful holiday time. May you be able to safely gather and be with loved ones for meals and fellowship that add light to our world and our lives.


                                                                                 Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                                                        Pastor Nate



Worship Schedule this month:

December 5th - (Theme of Week: Make Ready) 2nd Sunday of Advent and First Sunday Fellowship. Luke 1:68-79; Philippians 1: 3-11; Luke 3: 1-6.

December 12th - (ToW: Look Forward) 3rd Sunday of Advent and Congregational Meeting to elect Consistory members for 2022, Isaiah 12: 2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3: 7-18.

December 19th - (ToW: Moving with Mary’s Song) 4th Sunday of Advent, Micah 5:2-5a; Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-55.

December 21st - (ToW: Enduring the Cold and Dark) Blue Christmas Service @ 7pm.

December 24th - (ToW: Birth of a Savior) Christmas Eve Service @7pm.  Isaiah 62: 6-12; Titus 3: 4-7; Luke 2: 1-20.

December 26th - (ToW: Who is this Child?) 1st Sunday of Christmas, 1st Samuel 2: 18-20, 26; Colossians 3: 12-17; Luke 2: 41-52.


Look Further Ahead

January 2nd -(ToW: Another Road) 2nd Sunday of Christmas, Jeremiah 31: 7-14; Ephesians 1: 3-14; John 1: 1-18.

January 9th – (ToW: Affirmed by Love) The Baptism of Christ Sunday, Isaiah 43: 1-7; Acts 8: 14-17; Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22.



Kiwanis Food Collection

The Mifflinburg Kiwanis Club is asking for your assistance in the collection of canned and boxed food for needy families in the Mifflinburg Area School District this Christmas season.  The Kiwanis Club along with other volunteers will be assembling the food boxes on December 17th and distributing the food to the families on the 19th of December.  Your food contributions may be placed in identified boxes in the overflow room at the back of the sanctuary from now through Sunday December 12th.  Your donations will be greatly appreciated.



Cookies Needed

Once again, we’re organizing a social hour after the Veterans Memorial Wreath Ceremony on December 18th.  Cookies are needed. While you’re baking for the holidays please include Dreisbach in your plans. Thank you for your generosity. Cookies need to be at the church Friday evening by 5 o’clock on December 17th. Thank you, Carol Snook




Please remember our shut-ins this Christmas season.  A list of addresses has been included with the newsletter.  If anyone knows of someone who should be included please contact Pastor Nate or Pam


Our next prime-timers luncheon will be on December 16th at 12:30 pm. We will meet at OIP in Mifflinburg.



Bad Weather Policy

In the event of inclement weather and we need to cancel services, please check the website and Facebook page.  WGRC no longer announces these cancellations on air so we ask those with internet capabilities to please notify any family members without internet access.



Rummage Sale Wrap Up Part II

Paul tells us that just as the physical body is made of many parts with different functions, so the body of Christ has many members each with different gifts. The Rummage Sale is certainly a reflection of that truth. Individuals use their gifts to make the sale happen: some make donations; some make phone calls; some bake and cook; some carry heavy boxes; some sort and make sense of piles; some offer a smile and help shoppers; some check out shoppers; some bag the goods; all take part in serving and all are needed for the body (the sale) to function. When we look to distribute the blessings of the sale, we find ourselves part of the bigger body of Christ as we connect to other organizations that use the money that we earned to do God’s work throughout the valley and the world. These organizations

  • Love and reach out to area youth through Central PA Youth Ministries.

  • Help feed the hungry in Union County through Hope’s Haven Food Pantry, a ministry of the Four Bells Church (Christ United Lutheran Church).

  • Touch the world through John Mark and Sharon Ambler of YWAM Ministries.

  • Provide advocacy, empowerment, and education to persons hurt by violence and abuse through Transitions.

  • Help move folks out of poverty toward self-sufficiency through the Union-Snyder Community Action Agency.

  • Offer love, friendship, and support to women facing unplanned pregnancies through Birthright of Sunbury.

In addition, love gifts were given to area families facing challenging illnesses. Thank you all for using your gifts to support this outreach of Dreisbach.



Haiti Child Sponsorship

We are once again sponsoring a child in Haiti. We are sending a shoe box with gifts for Christmas. If you would like to contribute please use the tan envelopes in the pew backs. 






2022 Offering Envelopes

2022 Offering Envelopes are available at the church for pick-up.  In an effort to cut down on waste we have cut back on the number of individuals receiving envelopes. If you do not typically use an envelope or recently switched to e-giving we did not issue envelopes to you this year.  If you were missed or would like to switch back to envelopes please contact Pam, we would be happy to provide you with envelopes.



Pastor’s Christmas Gift

Enclosed with the Newsletter is an envelope for contributions toward the Pastor’s Christmas gift.  Please return to the church, 875 Dreisbach Church Rd., Lewisburg.  Thank You!




The Christmas Fund Offering

The Christmas Fund has been caring for active and retired clergy and lay employees of the United Church of Christ for over 100 years, providing emergency grants, supplementation of small annuities and health premiums, and Christmas “Thank You” gift checks each December to our lower-income retirees.  We will be accepting offerings for “The Christmas Fund” throughout the month of December.  Envelopes for the offering did not arrive in a timely manner so we ask that you simply include a note with your contribution so we can properly credit your gift.  Thank You























(An Uplifting & Spiritually Fulfilling Weekend)

Friday March 4, 6:30 PM - Sunday March 6, noon

Crystal Springs Retreat Center

North of Mifflinburg

The weekend includes sessions with our speaker Rev. Tim Hogan-Palazzo, 5 meals, kids’ program, singing, games and lots of fun!


Please fill out the registration form below and return it along with your payment to Scott Sanders 221 Pine St. Mifflinburg, PA 17844 or see him during worship no later than February 16.  Checks should be made payable to Dreisbach UCC.


Dreisbach’s Annual All Church Retreat


Names of all family members attending:

Please include age and grade level for all children.





Phone #____________________________________________________


Email address____________________________________________________


Check One:  We will be commuting. _____________

                        We would like to stay overnight. ____________


Cost: $30.00/person or $90.00 for a family of 4 or more


Amount Paid:  ___________                              Cash or Check #__________

Pamela Pfirman