October 2020 News

Pastor’s Message


We are still in the midst of the pandemic that has placed us into these unprecedented times. There are many needs that have risen out of this time and some that have been made worse in these times. A recent update letter from the Central PA food bank shared with me that all 27 counties that the food bank serves in this part of PA have food insecurity rates of at least 13%. Prior to March, there were only 3 counties in this situation. There is a serious need for food support in our communities because of the loss of jobs, loss of hours, and wages. How will we help? What can we do to make a difference in this great need for our neighbors? It is my prayer and hope that we can creatively and collectively answer that call as a church. Please be prayerful and reflective on our response to these real needs. As we approach the seasons of giving thanks and generous giving may this be part of our efforts and our actions.


As we worship in this time of pandemic we have made a transition to more technology and virtual needs for this time. And as we have implemented these online services we have seen a good amount of viewership and we have found that we are reaching a wider circle of folks. We have found that there are connections being made with past Dreisbach folks who have moved away. Because of our ability to put worship online, we are able to be connected from afar in meaningful ways.  So, I feel that this type of expansion of the worship experience we offer may be here to stay and will be an important part of our reaching out to others. The leadership of the church feels that we are in need of some updated and upgraded equipment to make our presentation even better than it is now. We are looking to purchase a new camera, convertor, and laptop in order to help with these needs. If anyone is interested in helping us make these purchases possible through financial donations or gifts please let Scott Sanders know. We believe that the additions and upgrades will cost in the neighborhood of around $3,000 for all the parts that are needed. If you wish to contribute to these needs we would be grateful and you will be helping us meet the needs of these attempts to be reaching out in a greater way.


The church of the future will look different than the church has in the past. That is not bad or good, it is simply the way things move. And now that change occurs faster and faster. May our changes be led by our mission to share the love of Christ with the Buffalo Valley and beyond. As the world shrinks more and more with technology may we use this as an opportunity to strengthen our connections and meaningful relationships with one another.


Blessings and Prayers for the journey,
                                    Pastor Nate

All SAINTS Celebration

            On November 1st in worship we will celebrate those that have passed in the last 12 months. We will celebrate the lives and memory of each person with a scripture reading and name read aloud. If you have a person that you would like to be added to our list for this day please contact the church office. We will honor both members and nonmembers in this time of our worship.




Worship Schedule this month:

October 4th – (Theme of Week: Wisdom for the Way) Exodus 20: 1-4, 7-9, 12-20; Philippians 3:4b-14; Matthew 21: 33-46. Collection of Neighbors in Need Offering and Worldwide Communion Sunday.

October 11th  – (ToW: Praiseworthy Living) Exodus 32:1-14; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 18:21-35.

October 18th –  (ToW: Living Messages) Exodus 33:12-23; 1st Thessalonians 1:1-10; Matthew 22:15-22.

October 25th -  (ToW: The Compassionate Life) Deuteronomy 34:1-12; 1st Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46.


Look Further Ahead

November 1st -  (ToW: Partners in Service) All Saints Celebration, remembering those who have passed on this year. Joshua 3:7-17; 1st Thessalonians 2:9-13; Matthew 23:1-12.


Neighbors in Need

Neighbors in Need is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. One-third of NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds of this offering is used by the UCC's Justice and Witness Ministries (JWM) to support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects through grants. Neighbors in Need grants are awarded to UCC churches and organizations doing justice work in their communities. These grants fund projects whose work ranges from direct service to community organizing and advocacy to address systemic injustice. We will begin to receive the NIN offering on October 4, 2020 as part of their World Communion Sunday observance and continue throughout the month of October.


No Tricks Just Treats

Dreisbach youth will not want to miss No Tricks Just Treats on Sunday, October 25th at 6 pm. Meet in the back of the Lutheran Church parking lot and dress comfortably!

Adopt A Highway

On Sunday October 18th, following the worship service, ( 10:30 ) Dreisbach's commitment to helping keep the Buffalo Valley beautiful continues with our Fall "Adopt A Highway" day! Volunteers are needed to pick-up roadside garbage on Dreisbach Church Road between Route 45 and Turkey Run Road.  Penn DOT, via Don Bowman will supply all garbage bags, gloves, road signs, etc. Your help is needed. Please contact Don Bowman at donbowman@windstream.net by October 15 if you can help to keep our valley beautiful.


Please sign up with a partner or more than one partner to pick up litter for one of the four options.  All options are set up so that you walk and pick up litter against traffic from where you start, to your destination and then walk and pick up litter against traffic back to where you started.


            1. Turkey Run to Youth Center Bridge and back- 8 10ths of a mile both ways

            Name(s)- Bowmans and Valerie Hulme


            2. Youth Center Bridge to Furnace and back- 8 10ths of a mile both ways



            3. Furnace Rd. to Church and back- 1.2 miles both ways



            4. Church to 399 Dreisbach Church Rd (red brick house on east side of Dreisbach Church        Rd) and back- 1 mile both ways



            5. Rt 45/Dreisbach Church Rd corner to 399 Dreisbach Church Rd (red brick house on         east side of Dreisbach Church Rd) and back- 1 mile both ways



We will meet in the church parking lot at 10:30 on the 18th (weather permitting).  I will have gloves, bags for the litter and orange vests to wear for your safety.


Always walk against oncoming traffic.  In picking up litter, do not walk down or up banks that are too steep for your comfort.  Do not stray too far off the highway to get litter.  When a bag of litter is nearly full, tie it and place it near a guard rail or in a place off of the road and easily seen for pick up by PennDot workers. 


Always be aware of cars and be safe!


Please Turn off Lights

Some staff members have recently entered the church building to find lights on in the sanctuary and other areas of the church. Please check all lights before leaving the building.


Berger Sale Food Stand

A big thank you to everyone who donated their time and food to the food stand at the Arla Berger sale on September 18. A total of $750.00 profit was realized.  All proceeds have been donated to three area food banks. They are Manna of Mazeppa , The Backpack Program and Four Bell Church food pantry each receiving $250. Dreisbach has some of the best pie bakers in the valley and thanks to them the stand was completely sold out of food before the end of the sale.


Dreisbach Library

During this pandemic time, we want to remind you that we have a collection of great books in the library downstairs in the back of the social room to be shared with the congregation and our shut-ins.  Just sign the library card in front of the book and place it in the slot on the bulletin board.

We would like to thank Richard Schenck with his skills in making another shelf in the library.


Volunteers Needed

Consistory is looking for someone to act as a coordinator for funerals held at the church. The duties would include: Opening up the church, turning on the lights, making sure the heat or air is operating correctly, directing the family and attendees to the location of restrooms and nursery, placing the “slow down” pylons by the highway, closing down the building after the funeral, and rearranging everything back to its usual spot for Sunday service.

This needs to be a person that is available mostly weekday mornings. It you are interested in helping the church in this manner then please call consistory president Scott Sanders .

We are also in need of a chairperson for the Veteran’s Wreath project.  We have a committee in need of a leader.  Please let Scott Sanders know if you are interested.


Christmas is Coming

Christmas will indeed be here soon once again and consistory and the COVID task force are hard at work creating a plan so that all who are comfortable may celebrate at Dreisbach!  Details of the plan will be released soon.


Maurer’s Addresses

Recently both Bob and Doloras Maurer have entered into care facilities.  Please keep them in your prayers and consider reaching out to them at their new homes.


Robert Maurer                                    Doloras Maurer

305 Tressler Boulevard                      901 Court Street

Room 510                                           Sunbury, PA 17801

Lewisburg, PA 17837


Pamela Pfirman