July 2018 Newsletter


“In life, most people surrender what is possible for what is comfortable”

We are very good at cautiously making our way through the days of our life, doing the best we can to keep the events and happenings of our life moving in a direction that we can handle and feel good about, and we do our best to make sure we don’t get gobbled up by the difficulties that arise when we don’t have a handle on what’s going on in our lives.

            It’s one thing to carefully make our way through life, making good choices that are positive and right for us, choices that lead us to the activities and goals we want for our lives, but if are trusting in ourselves and not teaming up with God’s plans and directions for our lives we may be settling for what is comfortable and we may be surrendering what might have been or what could have been possible if we were willing to take a leap of faith with God, or if we were willing to actually apply ourselves in the possibilities that are around us. Not to mention when we try to make ourselves comfortable we are most likely looking out for only ourselves and forgetting about our neighbors; so we are not fulfilling our call to love our neighbor as ourselves, thus not honoring God and God’s redeeming plan for the world.

            This can be true on an individual level and on a church level for us. At the church level, we all need to jump in and take part in what is occurring and bubbling up in ministries and missions of the church as we serve in God’s name. Only then will we be able to work with God and each other; and if we do we will be amazed at what is possible with all of our efforts combined and shared.  We have been at work in the God filled activities that are possible and we have seen the good that can occur through our efforts of offering our best to God in service to others. It is my hope that even more of us will take on a commitment to giving, sharing, and serving in new and more ways as part of Dreisbach.

            We are coming off of a month where we had a fantastic and successful VBS program that took the efforts of a team of folks. Something that would not have been possible with just a few hands or minds. We need each other’s best and collaborative efforts to be at our best in service to God. As we begin to plan and prepare for another year of ministry and church life I hope you will continue or begin to play an active role in the events, conversations, worship experiences, and so much more that is occurring in the life of this faith community and beyond. We all need to play a role in sharing our gifts of time, talent, and treasure in order not to surrender what is possible through Christ who strengthens us and all we do.


                                                                                    Blessings and Prayers to All,                                            

                                                                                    Pastor Nate



Minister of Music

            As we start July at Dreisbach we will welcome a new face among us in the role of Minister of Music. Glen Van Dyke will join us in this role starting July 1st. So what is a Minister of Music? Short answer, we shall see; Glen will be playing the organ for Sunday morning worship, with the support of Ruth and Roxie as needed in the schedule. Glen will lead the Chancel Choir when we start up in the fall again and Glen will help Pastor Nate in worship preparations and planning. As we grow and determine the needs of Dreisbach other leadership responsibilities may be added or shifted. Glen comes to us from serving in the Hughesville area, he resides in Mifflinburg with his wife Florence. Glen has very expansive background in music leadership within the church and in a number of other groups like the Philadelphia Boys Choir & Men’s Chorale and in our area Glen has been in the Susquehanna Valley Chorale and a short stint with the Buffalo Valley Singers. Please join me in welcoming Glen to Dreisbach and may God bless our ministry that we embark upon together.


            It is also important that we thank the committee that came together to put together the positional needs of the church in the area of music leadership and this group also took the lead on the interview process of picking our minister of music. Please help me in thanking Dave Humphrey, Diane Hackenberg, Dave Beckley, Tammy Pierce, and Pastor Nate for their efforts, ideas, and time in preparing Dreisbach for what is possible when we join with God and one another for the future of the church. We also give thanks for the music leadership that has occurred at Dreisbach for many years under the leadership and gifts of so many; most recently we give thanks for the leadership of Bill Bastian, Roxie Girton, Ruth Romig, and Eleanor Gold. Through years of service and offerings to God with their gifts and talents, We thank and bless you.

Worship Schedule this month:

July 1st  -  (Theme of Worship: Healing Powers) 2nd Samuel 1:1, 17-27; 2nd Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43. First Sunday Fellowship.

July 8th  – (ToW: Sent With Power) 2nd Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; 2nd Corinthians 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13.

July 15th  – (ToW: God-Inspired Joy) 2nd Samuel 7:1-14a; Ephesians 1:3-14; Mark 6:14-29.  Commission Harvey Cedars Group in Worship

July 22nd  – (ToW: Wherever You Are) 2nd Samuel 7:1-14a; Ephesians 2:11-22; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56.

July 29th --  (ToW: God’s Abundant Presence) 2nd Samuel 11:1-15; Ephesians 3:14-21; John 6:1-21.

July 29th (5th Sunday Conversation)


July 29th is the next 5th Sunday Conversation and I am going to lead a discussion on how we read our Bibles. There are many ways to look at, read, and understand scripture and I feel we need to look into some of these in order to begin to have other, deeper, conversations about our faith and Holy Scriptures. This will occur following worship, during the normal Sunday School Time. Please join us, it is open to all.


Prayer Chain

The church has had an active prayer chain for some time.  If you would like to be a member, please sign the sheet at the back of the sanctuary including name, hours you would not like to be called and phone number (home and/or cell.)  You will be given a list of guide lines with suggestions for participation.


Thank You

Dear Church Family,

The Gold Family wishes to thank all of you so much for the love and support you have shown our family during Jim’s illness and at his passing.  We appreciate all the prayers, cards, phone calls, flowers food (including all those delicious meals), and your presence and participation at the Celebration of his life.  God Bless you all for being our Church Family.

Eleanor Gold, Steve, Phil, Betsy and Families


I want to thank our church family for the love and concern shown to me at the time of my surgery and now recovery.  It is so good to be back to worship and join you in all the good work and service this congregation is doing!

Because of Christ’s love,

Connie Bastian


Acolytes & Bell Ringers

With so many of our youth graduating or moved we need some new young people to train as acolytes. Any young people entering 7th grade or higher please contact Kathy King (570-966-7777).  We also need more individuals to ring the bell on Sunday morning.  Adults and kids going into 3rd grade or higher please contact Pam Pfirman (570-898-9774) if you are willing to help in this way.

Family Movie Night

Dreisbach will be hosting a Family Movie Night on Monday, August 6th at 6:30. Free admission, popcorn and cotton candy for all.  Friends and neighbors are welcome.  Bring your comfy chair or blanket and enjoy the show!


Catherman Food Stand

Thank you to all of you who donated food items and helped at the Catherman food stand on Friday, June 22nd.  We were able to make $512 which will be put towards upcoming events here at Dreisbach.

Upcoming Meetings

The Membership Committee will meet on Monday, July 16th at 7:00 pm.

The Dreisbach UCC Prime Timer’s will be meeting again at the Old Turnpike Restaurant, Thursday July 19th at 12:30 PM.  Come and enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship.  Lunch will be Dutch treat.  Anyone 50 or older is welcome to join the group.

VBS Wrap-up

Thanks again to all of you who helped with this year’s terrific bible school program.  We were able to make $975 with the silent auction and $470 with the Asian auction plus a $5 donation.  Our offering for the week totaled $366.25 plus Sunday’s offering of $235 (total of $601.25). We were able to make a donation of $1,200 to the Gessner Recovery Fund plus we still have a nice cushion in the bible school account for next year.  Thanks again, Pam & Judy


“Active Shooter” Seminar

On July 25th at 7 pm Dreisbach United Church of Christ will host a trooper from the Pennsylvania State Police, who will be presenting a seminar on what to do in the event of an Active-Shooter” situation.  This training can be put to use wherever a person maybe. If you are interested in attending this worthwhile seminar, please add your name to the signup sheet at the back of the sanctuary.  The seminar will be open to the general public.  Your Consistory is very concerned as to how our members would react if an “Active-Shooter” were to come into our church and cause havoc.  Consistory is also reviewing and addressing our current safety/disaster plan.



July Birthdays & Anniversaries

Remember the following people in your prayers as they celebrate special days this month.

        4          Renee & Jeff Ault                                                        17       Andrew Leitzel

        5          Keith Pletcher                                                                           Dave Humphrey

        6          Nancy Bowman                                                            19       Logan Metzger

        7          Tony Noll                                                                         21       Pam Eberhart

        8          Leroy Gabel                                                                    23       Judy Willow

                    Mike Finerghty                                                             24       Sharon Magyar

        9          Terry Willow                                                                   25       Amber Leitzel

                    Dylan Willow                                                                  26       Emily Markley

        10       Steve Williams                                                                           Barry & Kathy King

        12       Raelynne Robinson                                                     28       Declan White

        13       Ann Lepley                                                                                 Olivia Finerghty

        14       Greg & Bev Chamra                                                    29       Dale & Bev Berger

                    Rich Schenck                                                                              Bob & Kay Reedy

        15       Mary Jo Ritzenthaler                                                  30       Connor & Hannah Pierce

                    Bill Bastian                                                                      

        16       Madisyn Mensch

                    Ryan Mensch


If you know of any additions or corrections to the birthday and anniversary list, please give or email them to Pam Pfirman (pam_adminsec@dreisbachucc.org).                    

2018Julie Rockey